Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Hey everyone :)

This week was a lot of fun...we had a really great time. We had zone conference on Tuesday and it was incredible! The whole focus was on the Book of Mormon and President Cannon shared several stories from his mission about how the Book of Mormon really did change the lives of people and how we need to encourage them to read it. And it's so true. i've found those people who really read and study the Book of Mormon (members and nonmembers alike) find they have a greater desire to do the will of live His commandments and to become the person that He wants them to become. They want to go to church because they realize the importance of the sacrament...they try to obey the commandments because they see the blessings that come as a result of obedience. There is a power that comes with the Book of Mormon that we as missionaries cannot replicate...each person needs to try it and read it themselves and feel that power and that spirit that comes with it. It's really neat :)

Also this week we had a couple really neat activities/miracles. We went on a split and I went Spanish speaking with Sister Leonard. It was SO fun to be with her again! I just love having her as my companion :) unfortunately, we didn't really get to teach any lessons...we got smurfed twice and then our DA forgot they were feeding us so we spent an hour at their house waiting for the pizza to arrive that they had ordered. But it was still really fun. She made me Mexican hot chocolate for breakfast and then we spent the day contacting and just laughing together. I just love her :)

Also this week we taught a new investigator, Lucy. It's a really neat story: She met with the sisters and took all the discussions about 3 years ago but then decided that she didn't want to get batpzied after all. In the last 3 years, she's continued reading the Book of Mormon and keeps coming back to the things that the sisters taught her. She came to church about 6 weeks ago, and sat next to one of our members that she remembered. The member told us about her and had asked her if she wanted to be baptized, and she said yes. However, when the member told us that, she didn't want us to scare Lucy away, so she said that if she came to church the next week, she'd introduce us to her and we could start teaching her. But then the member's been REALLY sick for the last while and hasn't been to church so finally last Saturday (about a week and a half ago) we found Lucy's name and number in our area book and called her up and set up an appointment with her. We met her on Wednesday adn again on Friday adn she's getting baptized on the 20th and wants to invite her daughters and everyone to it! We're so excited for her :)

We taught Felipe a couple of times (turns out we had the wrong apartment building last time...we walked into the one right next to his) and he's doing great. He's also getting baptized on the 20th. For Gary, we unfortunately haven't been able to realyl see him. We stopped by his house yesterday morning and he's started working 2 jobs, so it's been a bit rough, but he's got an hour break on Tuesday so we're goign on member splits and Sister Bourassa and I are goign to go teach him while Sister Davis and Sister Therriault teach Felipe and English class. It should be good.

Then this morning we went to the Botanical Gardens as a was so fun! It was pretty rainy, but the gardens were still really pretty. And if you get there before 9 in the morning, they're free. So we got there at 8:30, walked around for an hour or 3 and then came here to do emails. It was so neat :)

Anyways, I hope everything is goign well for you...I love you all tons adn miss you like crazy!

Love, Sister Nicole Lindsey

PS: it was good to get the letters (emails) from Mike, Alex, and Bradley...I'm so glad they're doing well and enjoying their missions! I love you all tons!

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