Monday, March 22, 2010

Funny dinner

Hey everybody!

Not much to say about this week....we worked hard and are hoping to see those blessings soon. We taught Patrick a couple of times and are hoping to have his baptism either this weekend or next, depending on when we can schedule the interview. I'm so excited for him!! I really can't wait for him to have the blessings that come from being a'll be wonderful :)

This week we also met with Raymond again, and he is just so wonderful. We're going to see him again tomorrow, and we soft committed him for baptism last week, so we're hoping to commit him for an actual solid date tomorrow when we see him. We'll see though. He might not think he's ready for that yet, so we'll just have to help him understand that setting a date doesn't mean you're signing your life away; it really is just a way to show your faith and show our Father in Heaven that your ready to receive answers. He did tell us last week though that hopefully this Sunday (he couldn't come yesterday because he had to work) that he'll be at church and he'll probably try to bring his daughter and her children as well so he's not there by himself. I'm excited! It'll be so great :)

Other than that this week we spent a bit of time up in Quebec working with the elders and working with members. We had a big Relief Society party on Saturday where we watched the Emma Smith movie. They don't have it in French though so we watched it in English which I'm sure was a little tough for some of the members up here, but Soeur Cottrell and I enjoyed it! Oh, and it was pretty funny during the actual dinner part of the party; I am the messiest eater. We had pasta, and I could not get the pasta to stay on the fork, and one time it flipped off and landed on the table, so I was going to discreatly pick it up and put it back on my plate, but of course S. Laflamme (a member sitting near me) saw me and pointed it out. Then for dessert we had cake and mixed fruit, and S. Torres (RS president) had handed me a cup full of fruit. I was eating it and S. Gelina (a member who I LOVE in the ward here) was sitting across from me and started to say what a clever idea that was, but in the middle of her sentence, I somehow flipped a piece of fruit out of the cup, it hit me on the cheek and then fell to the floor. The whole table started laughing; it was pretty funny.

Oh, and then Soeur Ouellet...I just love her. She is a woman in the ward here who's a little bit crazy. We laugh so much when we're with her. But it was so funny; so after the dinner they decided that they were going to give us some of the leftovers and so S. Garcia started putting a bunch into this ziploc bag and then S. Ouellet was standing there and she said “Oh I'd like some of that” and goes to take the bag. S. Garcia said “Oh that's for the Sister missionaries” and S. Ouellet said “oh, there's more” and took the bag and left. It's so funny. I just love her. So it's been a fun week :) I love being a missionary! Hope all is well for you! I love you all tons and miss you like crazy!

Love, Sister Nicole Lindsey

Here are some of the group pictures from the ice hotel a couple of weeks back...this is the chapel they had there. From left to right: Elder Cummings, S. Pearson, El. Williams, E. Zaldivar, E. Magre, E. Spillman, me, E. Pearson.


  1. Well, I don't know if it is "my eyes" or my web browser, or both, but the font color was in black for this post, and I found it very hard to read black letters on a dark color background...

  2. Sorry about that...I will try to change it! Thanks for the suggestion!
