Friday, June 18, 2010

"To be a living, modern witness in word and deed, of the divinity of His great and marvelous latter-day work..."

Hey everyone!

This week was such a fun week. We had a really wonderful time. And SO many funny things was crazy. One was kind of scary, but then when we figured it out it was just funny. Wednesday night at around midnight the phone rang so I got up to answer it, but then saw it was from an unknown person, no number listed, so I decided I probably shouldn't answer it. Not even a minute later, we got a phone call from a 502 area code, which I didn't even recognize the area code, so I ignored it. That person called back another time and then in the next 5 minutes we got 3 more phone calls from another phone number with a 502 area code that had an extra number on the end. It was really strange. So the next day we got permission to look up where the area code is located to see if it was even in Quebec or if it was somewhere else, and we found out 502 is an area code in Kentucky, and we just laughed and decided not to call the person back because it was long distance. But then Thursday afternoon we were talking to the Victoriaville sisters and they said they had gotten 5 phone calls the night before (all at different at midnight, one at 1:00, one at 2:00, etc.) from the same phone number that had called us. They had tried calling back, but couldn't get through, so they suggested that we try calling. We called back the first number and it said the number was incomplete. So then we called the second number that was too long and it went through but we couldn't understand the person on the other end at all because each time he talked it made a staticky noise like when the TV is on but not on a regular channel, so we hung up. It was so strange. Then on Saturday we went out contacting with one of our recent converts, Gabriel, and we got 2 more phone calls from the same phone number, but I missed them both. It was so strange. So later that night Gabriel looked it up on his computer and found out that the 502 isn't an area's a country code for Guatemala and the phone numbers there are 8 digits, and that's why the number had an extra digit. We then figured out the person calling was a guy that Soeur Leonard had taught in Victoriaville who had just moved back to Guatemala and was supposed to be getting baptized there this past weekend, which explained why it was only us and Victoriaville who got the random phone calls. It was kinda creepy at first, but then it was just funny after we found out that it was probably just Walter trying to cal us :)

Also this week we decided to go and try and visit some less actives, and that was fun. We went and saw one, Lucien Gugiere, who I had never heard of before and then Soeur Bruniau mentioned his name. So we called him and he gladly invited us over and it was so fun. He knows so much about the gospel and has about a million books in his library. He's retired now and so he spends his time constructing a website for the church in French (since there aren't many French resources provided from the church online) where he's taking all the resource materials like "Ancres dans la Foi" and putting them online. He has every ensign ever published since 1984 when he joined the church and all the Church News as well. It was so crazy. Unfortunately, his wife of 43 years and his 3 children are not at all interested in the church and they just found out his wife has cancer and so she asked him to stay at home with her a little more. We're hopeful that soon she'll soften up a little and at least allow him to come to church without getting upset, but we'll see. We also had planned to pass by another woman who speaks Spanish but has lived here forever and stopped coming to church a long time ago, but we decided to knock a street or two first. Then Sister Leonard felt like we needed to go stop by, so we stopped knocking and went straight over there and the woman was outside with her boyfriend on the porch and we talked to them for quite awhile. He said he's atheist, but asked us quite a few questions anyways about what we're doing and what we believe. It was a really neat experience.

Other than that, the week was pretty much the same as normal (lots of knocking, a couple lessons, visiting with members and the other missionaries), except for a few random exceptions. We went one day to visit Patrick (he had canceled on the elders 3 times in a row, so we decided to go try and he set a lesson with us..kind of funny) and one the way out we saw a woman who was fairly well dressed in this little window at the side of a huge dumpster digging through the trash can. Thinking that she may have lost something, we went and asked if we could help her, and she just said no thank you and then walked away. Except she didn't look like she was homeless and searching for food...we're not quite sure what she was doing, but it was kind of funny. Then there was another time where we were on this LONG country road with nothing really around and we decided to get out and pick a few daisies to put on our table back home to make it look a little prettier. So Sister Leonard gets out and picks one or two and then turns around and sees this creepy man with long, unkempt hair, beer in hand, standing and staring at her. He said hello and she freaked out and ran back to the car. It was so funny :) Then another time we were going contacting and we parked the car and said a little prayer before starting and then when I finished I saw a car next to us out of the corner of my eye and I looked over and there was a man parked in the street next to us staring at us. We both freaked out and it took us a good 30 seconds before we realized it was just our recent convert, Gabriel. He thought it was the funniest thing ever; we both found it terrifying. But afterward it was pretty funny :) Then for English class instead of just teaching them, we went down to Old Quebec and went to a little market they have there each spring and then they gave us a tour of Old Quebec and pointed out some of the things that we had to see while we were down there. It was really neat. I think there were other random things that happened as well, but I can't really think of them right was a really fun week though. I love it here :)

I'm also really looking forward to this next week...We were supposed to have interviews this Friday, but then for some reason they were canceled and so they've been rescheduled for next Tuesday (my birthday!) so that should be fun. All the missionaries are then coming down on Sunday evening and our p-day on Monday will be spent with them and then interviews on Tuesday. It will be interesting celebrating my birthday with EVERYONE here...we were planning on just having a dinner with just our district, but this should be fun too. And Gabrielle is coming on Sunday; I'm so excited! :) It'll be fun to see her again. And then we're also teaching Liz again and have some other things set should be a lot of fun. I'm excited to work this week! But anyways, I hope you are all doing well and everything is going fabulous back home. I love you all tons!

Love, Sister Nicole Lindsey

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