Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"...He lives, He lives who once was dead..."

Hey everyone!

This week was WONDERFUL...we had such a great time! Monday was p-day and our zone activity so the whole zone was here to play soccer and just spend the day together. We decided to eat breakfast together and so we made oatmeal, but Elder Wilson was in charge and I guess he forgot to measure something because it turned out SO one could eat it. Luckily I'd brought along a box of cereal so everyone ended up eating that before heading out for our activities :) After the soccer game we watched the movie Samuel the Lamanite (do we have that one at our house Mom?) and it was SO funny...everyone was laughing. I loved it.

Then on tuesday we started zone conference and it was great. They did it really different...instead of just having one training by President, another by Sister Cannon, another by the Assistants, and another by the Zone Leaders, they mixed it all up and everyone talked multiple times and it turned into more of a discussion. It was really good. They introduced something they called "KALDT to serve" and the KALDT stands for Knowing the audience, Asking inspired questions (that's the hardest part...I always get into a routine of asking regular getting to know you questions that I don't always ask questions that make the people think), Listen, Discern, and then Teach. It was good. And the Anderson's were there!!!! :) It was SOO exciting to see them...they're the senior missionary couple from Concordia and I used to see them almost every day and then I haven't seen them in almost 7 months...but they came up to help SIster Cannon with the dinner at the end of the conference and so I got to talk to Sister Andersen a bit...I just love them. It was one of the highlights of the week :)

Then Tuesday night after the conference we went on splits and Sister Hamula (sister missionary in Victoriaville), Sister Cannon (president's wife), and I went to visit Lyse and then a less-active, Donat Cantin, and it went SO well. Sister Cannon LOVED Lyse and the lesson was really good. She told about her conversion story and how grateful she is for the church but how much she wishes that she could be a missionary, and Sister Cannon testified about the importance of geneology and how she's being a missionary just through doing that. It was really neat. Then we went to see Donat and miracle of all miracles: I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING HE SAID!!!! That has NEVER happened before! He has the MOST difficult accent...but I was there and Sister cannon was praying for me and I understood it all and we talked with him and he promised he'd be at church (he wasn't...not sure why) and that lesson went well. In the mean time, Sister Leonard was with Sister Verdeja and they went and visited Serge (the guy we had the first lesson with last week who has 2 college-age sons) and he had to leave so they only talked with him about 10 minutes but he said he had asked a specific question about a worldly problem he had, and he had opened the Book of Mormon and found a direct answer! And he said there was a feeling with the book and he knows it's good. We set up an appointment to come back on Thursday, but he wasn't there so we thinkn he thought it was for next Thursday...we'll see. Then they also visited another guy, Stephan, who we met the last week of last transfer and then he went on vacation for 3 weeks with his daughter. He was busy that night but we set up another lesson for Friday. Then after that they stopped at McDonald's real quick and met several Guatemalan men who promised to call us. So it was definitely a miracle split :)

Then Wednesday we finished our zone conference and it was a second really great day. Thursday we went to our lesson with Serge but he wasn't there, so instead we took our member to pass by a less active. He wasn't there, but his nonmember wife was and she was SO sweet. We talked to her for about 10 minutes and she told us to please call and set up another time because she'd like to see us, and the member, again. It was neat. Then on Friday we had the BEST lesson with Stephan....we taught a first lesson and in the middle he just stopped and said "You know that you are amazing don't you? You are incredible. Thank you so much." We finished the lesson, committed him to be baptized (right now the date is for September 18...we tried for the 11th, but he didn't like that day because of the 9/11 terroist attacks, so we changed it, but we're going to try to move it up) and then we asked him to come to church and he said he would be there. And he was!

So then on Saturday we taught English class and for some reason the topic went to meditation and one of the women was talking about a meditation center in downtown Quebec and said how peaceful it was there. Then she said "it's a lot like here. When you walk in this building, you can feel something different. You can feel the peace and the calm and the happiness. There's something here, but it's more spiritual. There you can feel the peace as well, but it's a little different." It was neat to know that she could feel the Spirit in the church building. :) Then we went and did service for Lyse, and that was fun, then we followed that up with some contacting.

Then yesterday was another miracle day!!! :) STEPHAN was at church! And he LOVED it!! He said he's bringing his daughter with him next week :) And he participated in the classes and everyone welcomed him there. It was so neat. And the best surprise: GABRIELLE was at church as well!! :) She came up to visit her mom for the weekend, and of course had to come to church :) I just love her...she really is so wonderful. She bore her testimony about the happiness that came as a result of the gospel in her life and it was so neat to hear....I just love her and I love that I was able to have the chance to teach her a little bit and to see someone truly accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the happiness that comes with that. That definitely is the best part about serving a can see the change that comes into the lives of others and you can see the happiness that comes as they draw closer to Christ and see just a little bit the love that Christ has for them and the joy that He and our Father in Heaven must feel. I love it :)

So it was a wonderful week, and we're looking forward to another great one this week! Oh, and I almost forgot: the Guatemalans called us back last night and we taught them and we're going to try to teach them again this week. Only problem: they only speak Spanish. Luckily my companion is fluent, but I think I might have to start learning Spanish as well... :) Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you tons!

Love, Sister Nicole Lindsey

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