Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"I will not be a casualty of this war I didn't start...I'll fight with a fearless heart."

This week was SUCH a fun week...not the best for missionary work which was really disappointing, but it was a good week nonetheless. We started out with a half p-day on Monday and then took our real p-day on Thursday. It's really odd how that works out...we're supposed to have a zone activity once a transfer, so in this zone since it's so spread out the boonies areas all come up to Quebec City the day before our zone interviews, spend the day together as a zone, spend the night with the missionaries here, go to interviews, and then go home on Friday night. It's a lot of fun, but makes it really easy to lose focus. So on Monday we took a half p-day and just did the basics (grocery shopping and emails) and then went out and started working. We taught Patrick which went really well and then we had a family home evening with the Muselman family who are converts of about 2 years and they are amazing! It was SO much fun...we had the lesson, so we divided everyone up into 5 teams (so 2 to 3 on a team) and then gave a little thing of playdough to each of the teams and they picked a card that had one of the basic principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on it (faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost, and endure to the end) and had them each mold something to represent the principle they were given, have everyone else guess it, and then share a scripture that explained it. It went really well and they all loved it. Then we committed them to find a way to share that principle with someone else in some way this week. It was fun :)

Then Tuesday I was a bit under the weather, so we didn't work quite as hard (really disappointing) but we made up for it on Wednesday. Oh, and it was so funny Wednesday night: we called the Victoriaville sisters to ask them a question about the zone activity the next day, and we just assumed they were coming up on Thursday morning for it since they usually don't start until 11 so that would've given them plenty of time to drive up, and they were like "Hey, guess where we are? We're on our way and we'll be at your house in half an hour!" It was so crazy...they'd forgotten to call and let us know they were coming up the night before. So that was a bit hectic as we rushed around to finish cleaning the apartment and making room for them, but it was so fun to have them there. Then on Thursday we had our zone activity and that was SO much fun! Sister Pearson and I put together a photo/video scavenger hunt so we all met in Old Quebec and split into 2 teams and did all the scavenger hunt items. Some were specific to Old Quebec, most were just fun. We had one that was "pretend you're famous and convince someone to ask for your autograph" which was SO funny and then another was "act out a Nephite/Lamanite battle" so we took the one with Captain Moroni where his servant cuts of the scalp of Zarahemna. It was great. Unfortunately, the next day at zone interviews, I lost my memory card, so I lost half the pictures/videos that I'd taken the day before. So sad. But it was such a fun day! So we did that for awhile, went to our favorite French cafe, and then went out and worked for the evening. Then Friday was zone interviews, and I just LOVE interviews...During our personal/comp study time, Sister McKinnon took the sisters (so me, Sister Pearson, Sister Orozco, and Sister Fletcher) out for breakfast which was SO much fun and we just talked for the two hours. I loved it :) Then the district leaders gave trainings followed by lunch (we made tacos...we have some incredible cooks in our zone) then the trainings by the zone leaders, the Assistants, Sister McKinnon, and President. Sister McKinnon's was really good...she told this story about a man (last name is Drucker and he really emphasized and revolutionized the idea of organizational management) and how he said that "the Mormons are the only utopia that ever worked" and he was so impressed by the volunteers in our church and how everyone volunteers and then SHOWS UP. It really is a neat thought...I enjoyed it. And then talking with President is always fun :)

Saturday Sister Pearson was sick, so once again we kind of took it easy, but it was still a good day. We went out and found for a little bit and worked on the fireside that we're going to be doing in a couple of weeks on "The Living Christ." I'm really excited for it :) Then Sundays are always good days...so it was a good week. And this one is going to be even better :) I'm so excited for it. We met this guy last night, Robin, and we're going to teach him tonight, and he seemed like a really down-to-earth and open guy...he should be fun to teach :) And we're teaching Patrick again...I'm excited!

OH!! AND: thank you for the Valentine's Day packages/letters! It was so exciting to hear from everyone. I LOVED the packages (thanks Mom and Janey and Kaylee :) ) and it's always fun to hear what everyone is up to. I just love hearing from everyone. But anyways...my time is about up and we have lots planned for today! Sister Pearson is going home in about a week, so we're trying to squeeze in as much as possible this week. oh, and transfer calls are coming up this Saturday...should be interesting! I'll let you know in my next email who my new companion is...Sister Pearson's going home and I don't see them flushing this area since they just did that this past transfer so we're anticipating me getting a new companion. So I'll let you know who it is next Monday! Love you all...take care and have a great week!

Love, Sister Nicole Lindsey

PS: the temperature's been hovering around 0 degrees all week...I love it! It was warm enough for our zone activity that we didn't even need huge coats. AND the St. Lawrence River MELTED!!! SO exciting. :)

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